Professional Experience
GlobalPrime Technologies, Inc. — Morrisville, NC (2000 to present)
GlobalPrime is a start-up technology software company. Our first product is Mobile i3,
a revolutionary file management system, which allows people to be able to manage
information regardless of format, application or origin using any type of Internet
connected device. Major responsibilities include:
Technical Writer, Webmaster and GUI Designer
- Designing Graphical User Interface for Mobile i3
- Webmaster (JavaScript code and content) for GlobalPrime web site
- Writing and editing documentation for Mobile i3 web, PC and wireless clients, including online help
- Working with executive, marketing and sales staff and independent contractors to create
marketing materials and identity art
- Editing business plans, executive summary and presentations for various audience levels
- Editing company documents such as GlobalPrime newsletter and marketing materials
- Developing web-based demos and presentations for prospective products
Citygate Associates — Sacramento, CA (1995 to 2000)
During my tenure with Citygate Associates, I have held two positions:
Editor for the California Redevelopment Association (CRA) and Publication
Designer for CRA. The California Redevelopment Association is a statewide
nonprofit association of redevelopment agencies and allied firms. It is
comprised of over 500 members including cities and state agencies. These
diverse positions have given me a well-rounded background in publications — both
on the editorial and production side. In addition to the Association's
monthly newsletter, the CRA Redevelopment Journal, I have worked on other
publications including several of CRA's recently published books. Major
responsibilities while with Citygate Associates/CRA:
Editor (1997 to present)
- Edited monthly Association newsletter (CRA Redevelopment Journal)
- Coordinated day-to-day production and printing for CRA newsletter and
other publications
- Planned editorial calendar for newsletter
- Managed freelance writers
- Researched and wrote feature articles
- Associate editor and publication designer for CRA Affordable Housing Handbook
- Associate editor and publication designer for CRA Communications Guide
- Managed six-figure printing budget
- Wriote and edited press releases
- Scripted video narration for CRA Award of Excellence
- Art director for CRA Award of Excellence video
- Wrote speeches for CRA Award of Excellence program
- Generated content for Association web site
- Designed Association web site
- Staff liaison for media relations for CRA Award of Excellence program
- Staff liaison for Publication & Public Relations Committee and CRA Awards
- Advertising representative for Redevelopment Journal and Annual Conference
Publication Designer (1995 to 2000)
- Designed special-interest publications
- Designed templates for newsletters and books
- Produced layout for monthly Redevelopment Journal
- Designed seminar announcements
- Designed marketing materials for membership services
- Trained graphic design staff and coordinated projects produced by graphics team
- Performed cost analysis and prepared budget for printing and printing-related
- Worked with freelance designers and photographers to create identity art for
Annual Conference and CRA publications
View Camera Magazine — Sacramento, CA (1991 to 1995)
During my tenure, I managed all day-to-day operations at View Camera
magazine on both the editorial and production side. View Camera is a
four-color, bimonthly trade publication targeted toward large format
photographers, covering a myriad of topics ranging from fine art to
commercial subjects as well as technical issues of interest to the
photographic profession. Between 1991 and 1995, circulation figures and
advertising revenue for the publication rose dramatically. Circulation
increased 30 percent in 1993 and 20 percent in 1994. Advertising revenue
increased approximately 25 percent each year from 1992 to 1994. Primary
responsibilities included:
Managing Editor
- Designed, interviewed, wrote, and edited bimonthly trade magazine
(circulation 13,500)
- Project manager for all outside service bureau operations (printer,
separation house, etc.)
- Interviewed, trained, and supervised clerical staff (circulation department)
- Managed off-site contractors, contributing writers, editors and photographers
- Managed six-figure printing and advertising budget
- Liaison for eastern and midwest advertising representatives
- Handled midwest advertising sales 1991 to 1993; western advertising sales
1991 to 1995
- Performed cost and quality analysis of printing firms and printing related
- Managed payroll for in-house staff and off-site contractors
- Company representative for major trade shows, press conferences, and
review sessions
- Wrote and designed promotional materials
- Researched and wrote over 40 feature pieces
- Conducted interviews with major artists
- Generated press releases and media information
- Created and maintained office production schedules and editorial calendar
- Created and managed the View Camera Excellence Awards program
- Managed production process and acted as company representative during press
checks at printer
Houston Center for Photography (HCP) — Houston, TX (1990)
General Arts Administrative Intern
- Edited upcoming events section of HCP's monthly magazine
- Managed production of HCP's 1990 FotoFest participant/exhibitor program
- Designed in-house promotional materials for HCP's 1990 FotoFest exhibition
- Reviewed new library materials for potential future exhibitions
- Implemented and managed tracking system for HCP's library acquisitions
University of Houston — Houston, TX 1990
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Major: Photography
Minors: Political Science and Art History
Continuing Education
- Web Site Authoring and Page Creation (HTML) — University of California at
Davis 2000
- Guttenberg Festival, Implementing a Total Quality Management System — Long
Beach, CA 1999
- Adobe Advanced Photoshop Conference, Web Track — Monterey, CA 1999
- IABC Monthly Educational Series — Sacramento, CA 1998 to present
- Taz Tally's PhotoShop Seminar — Sacramento, CA 1996
- Professional Writers Circle — Sacramento, CA 1995 to present
- Sacramento City College, Writing First Person Essays — Sacramento, CA 1995
- Polaroid Corporation, Private Tutorial, Polaroid Lift Process — Boston, MA 1995
- Workshops in the West, Teton Mountains by Horseback — ID & WY 1994
- Adobe Advanced PageMaker Conference — Seattle, WA 1993
- Anderson Ranch Field Expeditions, Jay Dusard, Life on a Working Cattle Ranch — UT
- Folio Seminars, Writers and Editors Workshop — Los Angeles, CA 1993
- University of California, Martha Casanave, Master Figure Workshop — Santa Cruz, CA
- Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, Hans Neleman, Master Still Life and Portraiture
Workshop — Santa Fe, NM 1992
- Sacramento City College, Writing for Publication and Promotion — Sacramento,
CA 1992
- Maine Photographic Workshops, Joyce Tenneson, Master Portrait and
Figure Workshop — Rockport, ME 1991
- Friends of Photography, Tina Barney, Bill Burke, Bruce Davidson, and
Sally Mann, Stranger than Fiction: Pictures of People — San Francisco, CA 1991
- Viscomm Professional Seminars: Writing, Editing, Management, and Design —
New York, NY; Chicago, IL; San Francisco, CA 1991-1994
Software Proficiency Includes (PC and Mac)
- PageMaker
- Quark
- Dreamweaver
- Fireworks
- RoboHelp
- JavaScript
- Visual Basic
- Freehand
- Photoshop
- Word
- Word Perfect
- FrontPage
- Access
Professional Honors
1995 Maggie Awards Finalist — Western Publications Association
- Best Profile or Interview (Trade) — View Camera, March/April 1994:
Jo Whaley, Natura Morta
- Best Overall Design (Trade) — View Camera, November/December 1994
- Best Cover (Trade) — View Camera, November/December 1994
- Best Special Interest Publication — View Camera, November/December 1994
- Most Improved Publication (Circulation under 50,000-Trade) — View Camera
1994 Maggie Awards Finalist — Western Publications Association
- Best Overall Design (Trade) — View Camera, November/December 1993
1994 Gold Ink Award Winner — William Byrd Press
- Overall Excellence (Circulation under 100,000-Trade) — View Camera,
January/February 1994
1990 Blaffer Gallery — Houston, TX
1986 Autorama Press Coverage Competition — Detroit Free Press
- First Place, Statewide High School Press Conference Competition
Professional Activities
- Coordinator: CRA Award of Excellence Program 1998-present
- Juror: View Camera Excellence Awards 1995
- Exhibitor: Viscomm Trade Shows — New York, NY; Chicago, IL; San Francisco,
CA 1991-1994
- Reviewer: FotoFest — Houston, TX 1994
- Company Representative: Photokina — Cologne, Germany 1994
- Reviewer: Foto Houston — Houston, TX 1994
- Company Representative: APAD — New York, NY 1994
- Exhibitor: Photo Pro Expo — Washington, DC 1993
- Reviewer: FotoFest — Houston, TX 1992
Selected Publication Highlights
- Grant Peterson: Elegant Settings, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 6
(November/December 1994)
- Neal Farris: Neon World, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 6
(November/December 1994)
- Maxwell MacKenzie: Abandonings, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 5
(September/October 1994)
- Mary Ellen Mark: The Power of Portraits, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 3
(May/June 1994)
- Lynn Goldsmith: Out with the Stars, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 3
(May/June 1994)
- Keith Carter: Eastern Texas Portraits, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 3
(May/June 1994)
- Jo Whaley: Natura Morta, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 2 (March/April 1994)
- Lou Jones: Controlled Chaos, View Camera, Vol. 7 No. 2 (March/April 1994)
- Jose Picayo: Model Images, View Camera, Vol. 6 No. 6
(November/December 1993)
- Hans Neleman: The Golden Touch, View Camera, Vol. 5 No. 6
(November/December 1992)
- Joyce Tenneson: Following the Light, View Camera, Vol. 4 No. 6
(November/December 1991)
Other Articles
- Real World: High-Tech Tools, Classic Look, By Carolyn Peterson,
PC Graphics & Video, Vol. 3 No. 6 (August 1994)
- Publisher Pictures Success, By Norman D. Williams, Sacramento Bee
(December 16, 1993)
- American Association of University Women
- University of Houston Alumni Organization
- International Association of Business Communicators